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Chimo Race

The Chimo, which means "I am friendly" in Inuktitut (language of Northern Canada), is an end-of season event open to sailors of all clubs in the Windsor and Detroit area.  Starting in the Detroit River directly in front of WYC, sailors head out into the middle of Lake St. Clair to complete a racecourse finishing back at WYC.  The start is always a crowd pleaser.




2023 Chimo Race

Other Races/Events:

WYC Wednesday Night Race Series:  Wednesday Nights
May 15, 22, 29 June 5, 12, 19, 26, Aug. 14, 21, 28,  Septemer 4, 11, 18, 25,  October 2, 202, 4
Canadian Club : June 14, 2024, 
Around the Island: To be determined.
Awards Banquet: Saturday October 12, 2024